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No Show Jones

This is the place to discuss all your tricks and tips of bus life. From how to pack everything you need, to the best on the road recipes.
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No Show Jones

Post by BoxcarOkie »

The time in between trips is often a hard time for me. You see, I am much like an old dog, I scratch at the back door to get out (go on a trip) and then when let outside, quickly realize I would rather be back, and I scratch at that door again. I miss the road when I am home ... and when I am on the road ... I miss home.

A blessing and a curse I guess you might say.

When I get home from a trip, I want to just park that sucker, and not look at it for at least three or four days. That is how bad it gets, but soon I get over it, pull it outside and dust it off with the power washer and run a rag across the chrome. Most of the time before this the shop is eerily quiet and mostly empty, at times resembling some kind of strange museum of transportation.
Been home some three weeks now, it is September and Daddy’s Hobby is back in the shop again, this time it is an air conditioning issue. Now I am wondering if I will miss another rally (TBR). Kind of like old George Jones who earned a reputation for “not appearing” where he was supposed to be. He was so consistent (in not appearing) that he was nicknamed “No Show Jones” by a lot of folks in the Nashville area.

Right now we are optimistic that we will attend TBR at the end of the month, but once again, we find ourselves land-locked in the shop, so it is anyone’s guess. We may by the end of the year actually acquire the misnomer of “No Show Smith.” .... Or how about ... “The bus that never was” ... Yeah, that might be appropriate.

This time it seems that the folks at Dometic have assembled my air conditioning units with the WRONG PARTS and this causes them to leak large amounts of water INSIDE our coach. New parts are expected in one week and that is the name of that tune. They claim they were going to issue a recall notice on them (key word here is “going to” but you know how that goes, dontcha?). But since I was calling about them now, out of the goodness of their heart, they just decided to ship me some parts.
MADE IN USA ..... Is this a great country or what?
This week has not been a total loss, I figured out how to stop my windows from rattling while driving down the road and the cost was minimal. Just takes a trip to Home Depot, a roll of quarter inch twine, a little electrical tape and a bit of patience.
Not very pretty ... But it works, it is neatly tucked behind the blinds, so that makes it a winner in my book. Might not be all that twenty-first century or top drawer, but it solved the problem. Our windows are not rattling or shaking at 70 MPH which was often quite disconcerting and irritating.
You can later on, if you wish, pull the twine out of the channel and open the windows. It is by no means “permanent” but it really tightens up an old set of windows, and mine are past the age of twenty-five.

Hope this idea helps some of you with your problem (if you have the same problem I have?) and helps you out some. As most of us operate on limited funds or desire to keep the cost down, this is just what the doctor ordered. About ten bucks maybe less.
Now rush out, pick up some materials and get busy.

Like my bride sez ... “Piece of cake, why didn’t you think of that sooner?”
So here we are, “between trips and once again, in the shop.” And as there is no free lunch in this country I suppose, out of pocket again, it seems to never end.
The owner of a second-hand bus knows how hard it is to drive a bargain.

See you in the fast lane ... Maybe?

No I didn't say that ... Must have been some other guy." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
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Re: No Show Jones

Post by van »

The owner of a second-hand bus knows how hard it is to drive a bargain.
Don you hit the nail on the head with that one, lol! Ouch! it hurts! :lol: :lol:

Drive on Drill SGT! 8-)
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